Friday, June 20, 2008

Meet the king of gumball helmets

Welcome again to Maison de Gumball,

Browsing around for gumball related news, I found a great story about a man deemed the "king of gumball helmets."

Check this story out here at This guy has one hell of a collection. I think it's great to be such a dedicated collector. Plus, you can use them with gumballs! Totally cool. I think it would look great if he displayed the helmets with solid colored gumballs in the team color.

Anyway, read the story; tell me what you think. More great tidbits like that to come later.

Although it was quick, I hope you enjoyed this first/second/third stay of what I hope will be many at Maison de Gumball.

Over and out,

1 comment:

Jeanna said...

Love the Packers helmet. I know some cheeseheads that would pay good money for that.